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We Are A Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist You Can Trust

Aging In Place

Aging In Place

Living In Your Home Forever

Today you can pre-plan and modify your home to accommodate a changing lifestyle by incorporating universal design concepts, products, and services.

What Is Aging In Place?

Aging in place means remaining in your home safely, independently, and comfortably, regard­less of age, income, or ability level. It means the pleasure of living in a familiar environment throughout your maturing years. It means the reassurance of being able to call your house a “home” for a lifetime.

Why Hire A Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS)?

CAPS professionals have the answers to your questions. They have been taught the strategies and techniques for designing and building aes­thetically enriching, barrier-free living environ­ments. The CAPS program goes beyond design to address standards, product ideas, and re­sources needed to provide comprehensive and practical aging-in-place solutions. CAPS gradu­ates pledge to uphold a code of ethics and are required to maintain their designations by at­tending continuing education programs and participating in community service projects.

  • How long do you plan to live in your current home?
  • How should you modify your home to make it more comfortable?
  • Who can you rely on to modify your home?

 Folkers has a Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS) on staff to assist. Contact us today to schedule your aging-in-place consultation.

Aging-In-Place Gallery / Examples

Folkers Has A Cerftified Aging-In-Place Specialist
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Pensacola, Florida 32505

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